Last summer oil prices climbed to $110 per barrel amid an escalating insurgency in Iraq by a group called ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria). “Everybody knew” oil prices would remain elevated during the crisis even if there were no disruptions of supplies. Sometimes conventional wisdom can be wrong.
Now, the price of oil has plummeted and the conventional explanation is that the decline is because of increasing U.S. oil production, slowing global growth, and the resulting imbalance between supply and demand.
Sometimes one needs to look through conventional wisdom, connect the dots, and consider alternative explanations. Saudi Arabia, which controls roughly 73 percent of the world’s proven oil reserves Governments typically make big bets either when they are overly confident or increasingly worried. Foreign Affairs calls the Kingdom’s new oil strategy its boldest initiative since 1945. ISIS is one reason for Saudi Arabia to be worried, although pure economic logic may well drive Saudi behavior. As its competitors struggle to keep production going, Riyadh is likely to increase its global market share. Keeping prices in the $50-60 range for a year or two would have major repercussions for energy investments elsewhere. [Free registration required]. Click here to read Saudi Arabia Can Crush ISIS. ISIS’s core objective is to restore an Islamic empire led by a supreme leader. Since Saudi Arabia is the epicenter of Islam, the road to an empire runs through the Saudi kingdom. ISIS needs valuable economic, financial and energy assets to become financially self-sufficient. ISIS poses a unique threat: It is a bloodthirsty movement that can find disaffected young men and women and recruit them from among the world’s 1.3 billion Sunnis, according to an opinion piece in The New York Times. The collapse of oil prices has done significant financial damage to ISIS. The low oil price by itself will not eliminate the ISIS terrorist threat, but it has weakened their ability to buy weapons and support their rage. A stream of oil revenue is a critical life-line of support; low prices can keep the ISIS threat from growing. We hope you enjoy reading these articles along with us and that you find them informative. Please forward this to your friends and family. J. Mark Nickell & Co. Disclosure – The articles mentioned in This Week with J. Mark Nickell & Co. are for information and educational purposes only. They represent a sample of the numerous articles that the firm reads each week to stay current on financial and economic topics. The articles are linked to websites separate from the J. Mark Nickell & Co. website. The opinions expressed in these articles are the opinions of the author and not J. Mark Nickell & Co. This is not an offer to buy or sell any security. J. Mark Nickell & Co. is under no obligation to update any of the information in these articles. We cannot attest to the accuracy of the data in the articles.